Here is a translated example of a cpulevel. This contains all standard audio files that are not language-specific, for example the chants, player voices and stadium announcer. Pro Evolution Soccer Game. I also recommend activating all the settings that deals with counter runs, line breaks and so forth. It's important that you import the file with the same name as the one you're right clicking in the explorer. dt18.cpk pes 2014

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Download PES file explorer Spoiler. To edit a file, right click it and use "export to file". So you will have to extract these. This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.

Pes Exe Editor - Version 1. The players does not seem to be running any slower, the whole match just seem slightly calmer and it enhances player individuality in terms of speed and ball control, particularly in conjunction with the tweak to pairAnime.

I won't bother with the work unless there's some interest. The time now is If you try these tweaks, let me know what you think rt18.cpk.

Pro Evolution Soccer /File List - Rigged Wiki

Pro Evolution Soccer Review PES moves ever closer towards simulation, and in doing so forgets exactly what makes the series so different and so much fun in the first place. In other words, less AI cheating.

Pro Evolution Soccer Game. Here is the original thread that leads to the download; https: This contains all real player faces, but unlike PES14 these are in their own.

Retrieved from " https: I don't think the "Less pending" section actually do anything in the game at the moment but I might be wrong.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015/File List

In PES you can basically do the same thing with "cpulevels. Dt18.cok page has been accessed 12, times. This is a virus. In the example below I've reduced moveSpeed, runSpeed and walkSpeed by 1.

dt18.cpk pes 2014

This page will list as many files as possible to help you find which dtxx. I also recommend activating all the settings that deals with counter runs, line breaks and so forth. There is a difference between the two regardless of the identical settings, Superstar has a bit more "cheating" and AI players lose most of their individuality due to some pes This file has been "cleaned up" so it's easier to see, you must NOT paste the contents 201 your file.

Here is a translated example of a cpulevel. Pfs a shortner or author website not trusted or certified by us. This 22014 language-specific audio database files such as the commentators and spoken team and player names. This contains several files that help control the crowd AI during the game. Trueball Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed bar-centric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player's body will automatically shape to receive it.

Last edited by ZeroTheHero; at Maybe one of you readers can enlighten me.

dt18.cpk pes 2014

prs Mods, delete and block this person. Note that there seems to be something else exe file that affects difficulty as well, but changes made in this file are noticeable. Trueball Tech adds more freedom, with full dg18.cpk control within several yards around the player and the ability to shield the ball from opposing players, use deft controls to wrong-foot them, and intuitive methods to master close control. PES File Explorer version 1. Get it from our Download Center.

This contains several files that help control the AI during the game.


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